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The rookie mistakes artists make with websites


Your website is the window to your brand as an artist, giving visitors an insight into who you are and what you represent. Often, visiting your website will be the first interaction a potential fan will have with your brand, making it vital to give a good first impression. There are a diverse array [...]

The rookie mistakes artists make with websites2020-11-18T12:11:24+01:00

How VR will mark the next step in the electronic music revolution


Since EDM hit the mainstream in a huge way around the start of this past decade, the electronic music bubble has seemingly grown to a size that is bigger than anything any expert could have predicted. But with technologies constantly changing, one of the key areas that many DJs and producers look to is [...]

How VR will mark the next step in the electronic music revolution2020-08-12T14:08:36+02:00

Deezer’s new AI software could change music recommendations


Music streaming service Deezer may not be the most popular platform in its field but has just made one of the most interesting developments the music industry has ever seen. The French platform has developed an AI system that can easily detect a song’s mood, an advancement that could change the way music recommendations [...]

Deezer’s new AI software could change music recommendations2019-09-02T10:22:22+02:00

Deezer’s new AI software could change music recommendations


Music streaming service Deezer may not be the most popular platform in its field but has just made one of the most interesting developments the music industry has ever seen. The French platform has developed an AI system that can easily detect a song’s mood, an advancement that could change the way music recommendations [...]

Deezer’s new AI software could change music recommendations2019-04-02T10:00:28+02:00

The importance of a great database


With the wide range of social media platforms now available to us, how much of your audience do you actually have information on? Imagine being someone with a huge following on platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, but just like MySpace and Vine, you hear that they’re shutting down. What now? What happens to [...]

The importance of a great database2019-01-02T10:00:39+01:00

Could AI be set to replace A&R in the future?


A&R teams have always been an integral part of the music industry, having a huge level of influence on the developing sound of music. A&R reps are responsible for scouting talent, and for overseeing the development of talent. Recently, as AI continues to grow in its capabilities, speculation has arisen over the possibility of [...]

Could AI be set to replace A&R in the future?2018-08-27T14:00:03+02:00

Blockchain and its dance music pioneers


We’ve explained what blockchain is all about in a previous article, and now we’ll give you an overview of how blockchain is already being applied by music artists. It started when eclectic singer Björk started selling her album in Bitcoin and three other digital currencies, and she was joined in accepting it for payments [...]

Blockchain and its dance music pioneers2018-08-01T16:00:31+02:00

Could DJs be replaced by AI in the future?


Previously, we visited the topic of A&Rs being replaced by AI, but now it has emerged that in the future DJs may have the potential to be replaced by robot intelligence. Although this may seem far-fetched, many of the functionalities that this change would require are already readily available on the market. There are [...]

Could DJs be replaced by AI in the future?2018-07-13T10:00:05+02:00

What’s the future of the music experience?


Technology influences nearly every aspect of the music industry. We’d have to look back to the mid-1800s to reveal when the music recording industry was first started. Since that time, the way people have experienced music has changed drastically. We’ve gone from music boxes and record players to 3D surround sound systems and mp3 [...]

What’s the future of the music experience?2018-07-12T10:00:58+02:00