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Why do artists use ghost producers?


Undoubtedly one of EDM’s biggest talking points is the role that ghost producers play in the art of producing. When it comes to producing your hits, many of you will spend days, weeks, and even months in the studio trying to perfect your musical vision, and convey your ideas into a track to then [...]

Why do artists use ghost producers?2019-06-20T10:18:06+02:00

How can YouTube cards help your marketing?


Youtube cards are a tool available on the YouTube platform and allow you the opportunity to link to certain items within your video. A link to these items appears for a brief period of time (5 seconds) under a little ‘i’ icon while your video is playing. It’s essentially an additional advertising feature within [...]

How can YouTube cards help your marketing?2018-08-03T16:00:50+02:00

Spotify makes changes to policy in an effort to increase membership


As the world’s leading music streaming platform, Spotify continues to increase its influence globally with every passing year. That being said, there have recently been reports around Apple Music overtaking Spotify in the future in terms of users, particularly in locations like the US, where Apple Music is predicted to overtake Spotify by the [...]

Spotify makes changes to policy in an effort to increase membership2018-08-02T10:00:48+02:00

How to build an effective artist team


While making music is, of course, the most important aspect of being a musician, there are many more vital elements that need an equal amount of focus in order to provoke the quickest growth in popularity and success. When starting out, many of these individual aspects will all be managed by you, the artist, [...]

How to build an effective artist team2020-02-04T11:55:54+02:00

The major players involved in getting your music online


In order to distribute your music online you must have an understanding of the key players who can help make that happen. There are many aspects to publishing your music and receiving royalties, regardless of the platform used. As well as this, there are also many rookie errors that can all too easily lead [...]

The major players involved in getting your music online2018-07-19T20:00:56+02:00

How to grow your SoundCloud following


Despite SoundCloud’s recent shortcomings, it ultimately still stands as one of the premier streaming platforms amongst DJ’s and producers. Its simplicity and convenience provide a great platform for start-up artists to begin sharing their music. While platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music are more profitable and (as a general consensus) preferred by consumers, [...]

How to grow your SoundCloud following2018-07-02T20:02:48+02:00

Promoting your music on streaming platforms


One of the newer kids on the block from a music perspective are streaming platforms. Steaming has completely revolutionized music consumption and many artists are making a full-time living off the revenue generated from streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, and Pandora. In the United States alone, the streaming industry is projected [...]

Promoting your music on streaming platforms2018-06-27T14:38:33+02:00

Which streaming service pays artists the most?


Thanks to the substantial contributions from music streaming platforms, the “big 3” (Warner, Sony & Universal) generated an estimated $14.2 million per day from platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music. Universal Music Group alone made $4.5 million each day last year. Impressive as these numbers are, how do they correlate with artists’ revenue? [...]

Which streaming service pays artists the most?2018-06-26T15:38:57+02:00

Why YouTube still reigns supreme as a music streaming service


Despite the current trends of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music taking a large chunk of the market, one of the key assets any artist must learn how to master is the grandfather of all modern music streaming content: YouTube. Still ranked as the most dominant streaming platform in the music business, research [...]

Why YouTube still reigns supreme as a music streaming service2018-06-25T10:10:18+02:00
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