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The rookie mistakes artists make with websites


Your website is the window to your brand as an artist, giving visitors an insight into who you are and what you represent. Often, visiting your website will be the first interaction a potential fan will have with your brand, making it vital to give a good first impression. There are a diverse array [...]

The rookie mistakes artists make with websites2020-11-18T12:11:24+02:00

How to find your hidden creative talents


Sometimes, when things get tough in the studio, it is easy to feel like your creativity has abandoned you, but in reality - you may just be suffering from writer's block, or in this case, producer's block. Rediscovering your creative spark can come easier than you think, just by following a few of the [...]

How to find your hidden creative talents2020-11-06T11:14:10+02:00

How to get verified on Twitter


Social media’s role in marketing and branding is at an all-time high. Its large outreach, speed and efficiency have changed the music scene, and the world forever. With branding and marketing being such a critical part of the music industry, the power that is social networks is a powerful one. However, boasting such a [...]

How to get verified on Twitter2020-10-29T11:49:17+02:00

How to stay motivated within your music career


The truth is that scientists believe the odds of simply being born are roughly 400 trillion to 1. Yet alone the odds of becoming a music producer and financially sustaining yourself from your passion. And so with that in mind, we’re going to discuss how to stay motivated. You firstly have to ask yourself [...]

How to stay motivated within your music career2020-10-29T11:49:00+02:00

Creating a 10x schedule to maximize your productivity


Many producers have a strong ambition to become the greatest of their generation or to gain millions of views with every single release that they put out. However, with distractions being plentiful due to social media (and other factors), procrastination is at an all-time high. In this article, we’re going to discuss some ways [...]

Creating a 10x schedule to maximize your productivity2020-10-29T11:48:19+02:00

How to make $100k in the music industry right now


Many producers within the EDM industry believe that producing music is the only way that they can make money in the scene. However, with an increasing number of musicians able to sustain a full-time career from their passion, it has become evident that generating multiple income streams is absolutely essential to success. In this [...]

How to make $100k in the music industry right now2019-04-28T13:51:12+02:00

How to scale your artistic brand in the music industry


Throughout the music industry, many music producers have ambitions to create a financial income from their music career. However, they often have absolutely no idea how to scale the revenue gained from their activities creating music for the entire world to enjoy. Despite their dreams to achieve big things within the music industry, and [...]

How to scale your artistic brand in the music industry2019-04-28T14:10:36+02:00
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