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How to overcome negative feedback in the music industry


Whether you like it or not, “haters” are just a natural part of becoming successful within the entertainment industry. Whether the person is jealous, confused, or simply doesn’t like your music, dealing with criticism is certainly a difficult topic for pretty much everybody creating content. In this article, we’re going to discuss why people [...]

How to overcome negative feedback in the music industry2020-09-30T11:46:13+02:00

How podcasting will affect the music industry


Despite being difficult to monetize due to the platforms they’re distributed to, Podcasts have experienced tremendous popularity over the past several years. However, with a mainstream audience now falling in love with this content medium, services such as Spotify have allowed creators to monetize their work. In this article, we’re going to discuss how [...]

How podcasting will affect the music industry2020-08-12T14:05:27+02:00

Analyzing social media in China to develop your strategy


With the electronic music industry well and truly booming in China, it is now more important than ever to tap into the market. Due to the differences in use of social media networks when compared with the rest of the world, it can be difficult to reach out to the Chinese audience. People in [...]

Analyzing social media in China to develop your strategy2019-12-04T18:26:33+02:00

Deezer’s new AI software could change music recommendations


Music streaming service Deezer may not be the most popular platform in its field but has just made one of the most interesting developments the music industry has ever seen. The French platform has developed an AI system that can easily detect a song’s mood, an advancement that could change the way music recommendations [...]

Deezer’s new AI software could change music recommendations2019-09-02T10:22:22+02:00

Building your YouTube tribe: The Basics


Every month up to 1.5 billion people actively use the YouTube platform. The platform ranks second only to Facebook whose monthly active users reach 2 billion. YouTube is the market leader for video content, video sharing and video marketing. The potential audience for every video you upload is immense and for that reason, YouTube [...]

Building your YouTube tribe: The Basics2019-04-14T10:00:44+02:00

How to top the podcast charts


A key step to furthering your career is via a music-based podcast. Music is the common denominator that joins all of us, and it’s a way of sharing memories or introducing us to new artists, songs, and even styles. Once you’ve determined your show’s theme (this should be loosely based on your own musical [...]

How to top the podcast charts2019-04-06T10:00:02+02:00

Deezer’s new AI software could change music recommendations


Music streaming service Deezer may not be the most popular platform in its field but has just made one of the most interesting developments the music industry has ever seen. The French platform has developed an AI system that can easily detect a song’s mood, an advancement that could change the way music recommendations [...]

Deezer’s new AI software could change music recommendations2019-04-02T10:00:28+02:00
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