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How you can benefit from Spotify promotion


Industry leader Spotify is, without doubt, one of the most powerful influencers in the music industry as a whole. With over 157 million active users, the platform has experienced exponential growth since it was launched only 9 years ago. Due to this influence, it is vitally important for artists to allocate a great deal [...]

How you can benefit from Spotify promotion2018-09-28T10:00:07+02:00

How landing pages can increase numbers with your next release


A landing page can easily shift the number of people you redirect when they come to your website. People don’t like to wait and search around a website for something. They prefer more convenient strategies that include just a click of a button. We don’t pay much attention to it, but when we take [...]

How landing pages can increase numbers with your next release2018-09-11T14:00:07+02:00

Expand your horizons with NoiseTrade


As a growing entertainer, it’s important to make sure that you are expanding your database to keep a better record of your audience. To distribute music and to simultaneously expand your database can be a hassle at first, but platforms like NoiseTrade help make the process convenient. With the information given to you by [...]

Expand your horizons with NoiseTrade2018-09-08T14:00:38+02:00

Could AI be set to replace A&R in the future?


A&R teams have always been an integral part of the music industry, having a huge level of influence on the developing sound of music. A&R reps are responsible for scouting talent, and for overseeing the development of talent. Recently, as AI continues to grow in its capabilities, speculation has arisen over the possibility of [...]

Could AI be set to replace A&R in the future?2018-08-27T14:00:03+02:00
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